OPA has released OPA Report No. 23-01, Office of Public Accountability Status of Audit Recommendations

OPA has released the Guam Educational Telecommunications Corporations FY 2021 Uniform Guidance and Management Letter

OPA has released OPA Report No. 22-07, Office of Public Accountability Status of Legislative Mandates

OPA has released OPA Report No. 22-06, Coronavirus Relief Fund Expenditures Part II

OPA has released the Guam Preservation Trust FY 2022 Financial Statements

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 22-05, Port Authority of Guam, Back Wages Series, Part C.

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 22-04, Analysis of Government of Guam Leases

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 22-03, Mayors' Council of Guam Host Community Benefit Fund

OPA has released the Government of Guam (GovGuam) FY 2021 Single Audit Reports

OPA has released the Government of Guam (GovGuam) FY 2021 Financial Statements.